Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Turning Purple!

Everything has been getting slow in my life right now but im building it to get hectic later. does that make sense?

i just did a shoot with shujen photography. it went pretty well except this guy kept following us around and kept watching us through the trees. it was at a public duck feeding site so it was by a river and there's a lot of trees.

i went purple on deviant nation if you havent checked out their site. they are awesome people, its an awesome site. i freaking love dn! so if you havent seen it or heard it check it:

tell them i sent ya if you apply.

good news on my etsy. im still crafting. im still working. i love it. i always post so do check it out. i put more on my myspace and i should be putting up my own myspace for it but ill do it later on.

im going to bahamas next month and im so excited! i cant swim but im defintely might learn how to so i can swim with the fishes. cant wait!!

more to come.
